
Showing posts from November, 2022


  Questions on whether the new students' council of pioneer international university is able to run the school duties they were elected to or not are starting to arise, some students blaming the council for negligence. The council was elected two months ago and since then it has been blame games both from the students and within the council members, some council members blaming the school president Teddy Oketch of sidelining them and making his own decisions. The council has also crushed shoulders with the previous government blaming the previous council of accessing their office without permission. This was seen recently when the two cohorts were undergoing leadership training in Elysian resort in Runda, where the current president Teddy Oketch raised the issue blaming the former council members of accessing the office without permission but he was silenced by the former treasurer Madam Felista Macharia and the former secretary general Harrison Weremba. Above is the current PIU ST